Welcome to Asbury!

Asbury is a multicultural church serving the Fox Meadows and Hickory Hill communities in Southeast Memphis. It’s a place for all people to become disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Searching for understanding? Feel like you’re missing a connection? Do you have religion vs spirituality struggles? Let’s celebrate answers together! Join us on Sunday mornings for worship and fellowship.

El Redentor UMC is committed to serving the Hispanic community with worship services at Asbury.

We are excited to announce our celebration of 60 years of serving our community. Please make plans to join us for our worship service on August 25, 2024. Church members and friends – Please call the church office to make lunch reservations.

Sunday Meeting Times

8:45 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

Nursery is available upon prior request.

Rev. Richard Pinkston, Pastor / Parish Director 

Pastor”s blog – https://asomewhatorderlyaccount.blogspot.com/

YouTube online, search for Aldersgate Asbury UMC Memphis

2969 S. Mendenhall Rd. 901-363-1135 office.asburyumc.memphis@nullgmail.com

We hope to see you soon!